1) The History of Spaghetti Westerns, i.e.:
a. Franco Nero b. Claudia Carinale c. Klaus Kinski d. Sergio Corbucci e. The Great Silence f. Lemonade Joe

2) Donald Trump running for president 3) Hindu Philosophy 4) “I Am That” by Nisargatta Maharaj 5) Meditation Retreats 6) His Son 7) His Son The Jr High School Baseball Player 8) How trees make certain areas back east claustrophobic 9) Hatred for his hometown in Pennsylvania and West Virginia 10) San Francisco Movie Trivia and the city’s appearance in various films 11) Scarlett Johannsen in Under The Skin 12) Converting CD’s to MP3’s 13) Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” 14) San Francisco’s Rooftop Gardens 15) Former secretaries and coworkers who were probably insane 16) Enlightenment 17) Diabetes 18) Ex-Wife Hatred 19) “Have you read/heard of/seen this…” 20) “What did you do this weekend…” 21) (after long monologue, pause…) “Blah, blah, blah.” 22) Sarah Palin – “She was kinda hot until she opened her mouth…”